Oils for Common Complaints

An easy resource to find suggested oils for many common complaints, catagorized by the condition or disease. These oils, depending on the ailment, can be burned in an aroma lamp, mixed in a carrier oil and applied, or put in a bowl of hot water and inhaled. Normally essential oils are too potent to be…

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Essential Oil Reflections

In the law of microcosms/macrocosms, it is believed that everything is reflected from the most minute to the most expansive. Spirals within spirals, patterns within patterns. The world shows you where you are by mirroring it back to you. I believe that this idea is even reflected in the art of aromatherapy. In my over…

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From Whence it Came

Essential oils are distilled from the different parts of the plant; some come from the flowers, others are extracted from the leaves, and some utilize the whole plant for their therapeutic effects. In general, depending on where the oils are extracted from, we can get a hint as to their effect on the body. We…

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Late Summer – Stomach and Spleen

It is late summer and the Chinese believe that now the Earth Element, which is comprised of the *Stomach* (yang organ) and *Spleen* (yin organ) meridians, is highlighted.  Late summer falls somewhere midway between June 21st and September 21; the solstice and the equinox. From what I understand, this season is more of a feeling…

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