Posts Tagged ‘meditation’
Seventh Chakra
Listen to Melt Down Yoga Meditation Listen to Seventh Chakra Fall 08 Meditation The seventh chakra, also called the crown chakra, is located at the top of the head and is represented by a thousand petalled lotus. The primary part of the body it is associated with is the cerebrum, and the gland that it…
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You are invited to experience a relaxing meditation that will help to bring you down to a deep delta state of conscious sleep. In this delta state, you are still awake and able to hear my voice in your conscious mind, and yet the body has surrendered to a place of total relaxation and transcendence…
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One of the universal laws of manifestation is-– thought precedes energy , energy precedes manifestation. When you introduce the thought, it creates energy and eventually if it is for your Highest Good, it will manifest into reality. Whenever I feel unable to maintain neutrality or am emotionally invested in someone’s well-fare for personal desires, then…
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