Magical Therapy
Throughout history people have been using magic; whether by casting spells, murmuring incantations, setting intentions, creating invocations, using charms, swearing curses, pointing hexes or weaving enchantments. Whenever someone wanted to create an energy and/or change a situation, some kind of magic would be done. Even prayer might be regarded a form of magic, although some religions wouldn’t consider their rituals or ceremonies magic, having deemed it hieratical in the past. But I personally believe when prayers are answered, that’s pretty magical! Anyway, we know that essential oils have therapeutic effects on the physical and emotional bodies as well as balancing the energetic bodies. But when used with intention or incantation, the oils can be vibrationally raised to support the higher frequencies of magic…
So let’s explore aromatherapy’s more magical qualities and see how we can use them to manifest our desires. Remember, the more ceremony, prayer or ritual you can do when adding the essential oils, the more powerful the magic. Keep a clear mind and a focused intent, holding the power of love in all these magical spells. Never do any of these rituals with anger or pain, as the energy can and will return to you multiplied. All you send out comes back to you so always offer ritual with love and compassion.
So have fun with essential oils …
As always, use them only for one’s highest good. Remember that anything you put out, comes back to you 10 fold, so use magic for the good of all mankind.
Put a few drops off angelica in a spray bottle, infuse the liquid with intention or prayer and spritz the walls of your sacred room to ward off evil spirits or put some drops in a watering can and water the perimeter of your property. Added to bath water you can remove curses or spells that have been leveled against you.
Add a drop of melissa to any drink you will be sharing with someone you desire (keeping in mind it will flavor the drink with a lemony taste), or place a drop on your finger and rub the outside of the glass while intoning your intent for love.
This essential oil soothes tempers and brings sympathy between two people. Burn the essential oil in an aroma lamp when trying to solve the problem and find peace. To ensure that a lover will remain true, rub a little basil in a carrier oil over the heart of a loved one (when they are asleep), holding the intention of fidelity and bless your relationship with thoughts of gratitude.
Burn benzoin to cleanse and clear an environment. It can be added to incense to help with prosperity. When beginning a business or opening a shop, burn benzoin holding the intention that new customers to find your services.
Rub your wallet or purse with bergamot essential oil envisioning it full of cash. Also put a drop on your money to multiply wealth and ensure that money comes back to you when you spend it. Keep a $20 or $50 note spritzed with basil in your wallet and every time you see it, reinforce how rich you are.
In olden days possessed people were beaten with birch sticks to rid the body of evil spirits. Now, when feeling negative forces clinging onto the aura, bathe in or spray birch essential oil on you, sending up the intention that all evil and unwanted spirits depart. Then see a sphere or shell around you and imagine it filled with the scent of birch to maintain protection.
Have camphor burning in an aroma lamp to protect from viruses and bacteria. Also to dampen sexual desire, have camphor burning in the bedroom.
Place a drop of cardamom oil in warmed wine for a quick lust potion. It can also be baked in apple pie for an amorous end to dessert. Always cook with love in your heart and visualize the desired end as it bakes. Cardamom, spritzed in the bedroom before love-making will bring more passion.
Spray or rub the palms of your hands with chamomile while visualizing handfuls of cash, to attract money (especially if gambling). Chamomile is a wonderful sleep potion, so used in the sleep pillow, added to a nighttime drink or bathed in will assist slumber and good dreams. Set the intention for deep sleep and happy dreams as you lie in bed and sniff chamomile.
Burning cinnamon during rituals can increase psychic awareness and improve intuition. Also used for raising energetic vibrations and deepening meditation. Cinnamon has been known to spiritually protect against negativity and purify environments of evil entities, so set your clear intent to ward off nasties when using cinnamon.
Cypress, when added to cream and rubbed on skin, can support those going through the transition of death. On the one dying, it can balance and protect the spirit through to the afterlife, and for those left behind, it can ease the pain of grief and loss. Cypress can be used in healing to cleanse an afflicted area and bring better health and longevity to the body. See yourself strong and young and eternal when using cypress.
Spritzed with an atomizer, or the essential oil dripped across a threshold, dill can protect from evil or unwanted spirits. They will not congregate around its vibration. Dill can be used in money spells by rubbing a bill with its essential oil and carrying it near your sacral chakra. Bathing in dill essential oil mixed with bath salts will attract a lover when the intention is offered up.
Eucalyptus has been used medicinally for centuries to alleviate colds and flu and to sterilize environments. It can also cleanse and heal vibrational or psychic environments by impregnating a candle with the essence and burning it, or putting it in a vaporizer and steaming it in a room. Spritzed on a bed at night ensures 4th dimensional riff-raff will leave you alone when the intention is set.
As a diuretic, fennel cleanses and supports the kidneys, and because the kidneys energetically hold fear, fennel can therefore help alleviate the energy of fear. Placed in a carrier oil and massaged over the kidneys while visualizing courage, strength and valor, the essential oil will cleanse and clear fear from a cellular level and will heighten the frequency of the aura.
I have always characterized the energy of frankincense as one that leads you to the edge of a cliff, and while you’re there teetering, Frankie pushes you off into a freefall. Just when you think you’re doomed, Frankie then catches you and floats you to the bottom, safe and sound, The essence of this oil challenges you to dare and go outside your comfort zone. But also protects you once you are there. You can invoke powerful consequences, all the while being supported and looked after by the higher beings. Use frankincense in any ritualistic way, either by burning it in an aroma lamp or on a candle. Bathe in it, spritz it. No matter what form you choose to use it in, Frankie will bring results – so watch your thought patterns and be very specific with your intentions and incantations.
An eclectic oil with a variety of uses. Used around the lower chakras, it can pull money to you and increase your financial foundation. It also pulls a more lusty kind of love, increasing libido. Galangal can amplify magical spells and increase psychic abilities, especially if rubbed on the third eye.
The Goddess loves galbanum and can be invoked with the help of this oil. She will support ceremony, meditation, ritual, anything where love, compassion, nurturing and protection is needed. A few drops in a scrying bowl will raise the vibration of the insight and aid in bringing more clarity.
The powers of garlic are well know to keep away evil spirits and to cleanse the environment of low astral energies. Garlic essential oil has a very strong odor so should be used sparingly if spritzing it or rubbing it on thresholds. It might keep more than spirits at bay!
The geranium has a very difference vibration than that of garlic. It is much more attuned to protecting through guidance rather than shunning away. Geranium essential oil can heighten the intuitive centers to alert you to disharmony in approaching frequencies and assist you in steering clear of disaster. Working with the essential oil in ritual is a soft and gentle energy and must be respected and honored if the spell is to work.
The heat of the ginger essential oil will spice up all magical incantations, especially love spells. Placing only one drop of ginger on the tongue before speaking an incantation will ensure the message gets to the gods in a speedy and clear manner. Rubbed on money, it will help you not burn through money as the fire frequency will already be established.
Hyssop is an age old herb used in rituals and ceremonies for purification, warding off evil spirits and dispelling negativity. Spritz the essential oil around the ritual space before ceremony or burn the oil during incantations and magic to keep negativity at bay.
Used in meditation, jasmine will call in the Goddess more strongly into your life. Her energy will enfold you in love and thus attract a loving partner to you, especially if you rube a few drops of essential oil on your heart. Jasmine brings a sense of abundance and carried in your wallet or pocket, can attract monetary wealth. Spritz jasmine around your bed, while calling in the Goddess, for a night of sensual love-making.
Used in love potions and for spiritual protection. Juniper increases potency of the male when used in bedroom ritual. Burn some essential oil in an aroma lamp before bed while honoring the masculine energy (Godhead). Juniper can also be burned to keep away evil and unwanted spirits or to banish (exorcise) earth-bound ghosts. This oil helps release repressed emotions with ritual intention.
Lavender is probably one of the most available herbs for ritual in that it supports all manner of spells and magic. For attracting love, it can be worn around the heart, sprayed on a love note or used to scent clothes. Applying it to the body or clothing will also keep away unwanted negativity as only the Light can shine around lavender. Spritz around the bed, or burn in an aroma lamp at night for a peaceful sleep with happy dreams. If you want an answer to a question, write it down on a paper and drop a few drops of lavender on it, then place it under your pillow. That night you will dream of the solution or what stands in your way of manifestation. Be careful not to overuse it in a love potion at night or your lover will loose lust and fall asleep. In a bath, lavender is wonderful for purification rituals and can strip the energy field of lingering psychic leaches.
Lemon is a great essential oil to use in any spell or incantation where you want to get rid of something. Put a few drops of lemon essential oil in water and bathe anything that you want cleansed of negativity, especially jewelry, crystals or other magical objects. Bathing in a bath of lemon essential oil will purify the body of unwanted vibrations. Lemon is believed to encourage fidelity, so a few drops in the washing machine will not only cleanse undesirable energy, but will keep your loved one close to home and get rid of the wandering eye.
Lemongrass clears the mind and encourages focus during meditation. By clearing away the proverbial cobwebs one can bring higher awareness and deeper insight in. Burn it in ritual for heightened psychic acuity.
Lemon verbena, burned in an aroma lamp, brings focused psychic awareness and concentrated psychic energy. It is good for purifying negative cosmic influences and lifts the energy so heavy psychic attachments disappear. It can alleviate spiritual fatigue and reset you on your spiritual path.
It is considered the tree of immortality and can be used in potions and spells for longevity, prosperity and a good quality of life. It is also used in protection spells to keep away anyone who would do you harm and take away your good fortune. Linden is only found as an “absolute” form of essential oil and is very expensive.
Lotus is also another “absolute” form of essential oil and has always been highly prized as a symbol of rebirth. The scent brings you to a higher place of spiritual connection and communication with the gods.
Mandarin essential oil aids in bringing a state of peace and harmony to any ritual or ceremony. Spritz in an area before ceremony, it balances the earth’s energies and encourages tranquility. It also is useful for fretful children in that it dispels any negative psychic influences that kids attract.
Marigold is not an essential oil, but is found as a vegetable oil (calendula) and can be used to massage on the body for effective vibrational protection against evil. Also the flowers can be cut and steeped in water and the water used to spritz and area to keep unwanted energies at bay. The flowers can be placed around the bed for a clear dreamtime and divination.
Because of marjoram’s calming properties, it can be used in any potion or spell that speaks to a long and healthy life. It is sedating, so using in a sleep potion can be effective. But because marjoram is so relaxing, it can dampen one’s sex life, so can be used in any spells or incantations warding off lust or sexual possessiveness.
Mimosa is an “absolute” essential oil, hard to find and very expensive, but well worth the investment if hexes or curses have been flung your way. Its protective energies keep away all unwanted energies and dissolve those already attached. Use it in your ritual bath or cleansing ceremony. It is also known to aid in matters of love and enhancing psychic abilities.
The greenness of mint represents the green of money; so placing a leaf in your wallet or rubbing the essential oil on some of your bills will encourage the flow of money to you. The healing properties of mint are many. Because it works on the hippocampus part of the brain, it stimulates brain activity and helps with metal fatigue and headaches. It alleviates digestive disorders, calming nausea. And aids symptoms of colds and flu. For travel, mint helps with motion sickness and when used for divination, can bring clear insight as to where you need to go or where you need to be for your highest good. Mint will also help protect you against evil (and pickpocketers!) when traveling.
This essential oil can be sprayed around a healing circle to protect against evil and unwanted energies and enhance psychic powers. It can also by spritzed on a pillow for prophetic dreams and safe travels during dreamtime. Sacred objects can be washed in a solution of mugwort to enrich their properties and cleanse out negativity. A few drops of mugwort can be placed in shoes to encourage fortitude in one’s physical as well as spiritual journey.
When used as a mouthwash or gargle, myrrh can aid in speaking the inner truth and give voice to the soul’s intent. It purifies areas used for ritual and calls in the Goddess energy for love and support. When burned, it can deepen meditation and bring in protection.
Used in rituals to help reduce tension and anxiety, this supreme oil also helps to alleviate depression, anger, exhaustion, and shock-– all negative emotional states that require gentle sedating and calming. Spritzed or burned in an aroma lamp it builds a protective aura or shield around the inner being. When psychically attacked by the outside world, Neroli protects against the dark negative feelings that creep in. Used on a wedding bed, it can reduce sexual tension and nervous apprehension from a need to perform, anxiety around sexual encounters.
Nutmeg has amazing healing qualities and when used in ritual can ward off inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism and gout. It is considered a lucky charm and the oil can impregnate a paper of intentions and wishes to make it more potent. Spritzed in a bedroom, the sexual juices can be stimulated and is used in love potions to encourage intimacy and seduction.
Olive leaves have been used to throughout history to promote peace and sincerity. And can be offered in ceremony to create safety and ease of passage when creating an intention. It also has aphrodisiac properties and can bring on lust, fertility and heightened pleasure.
There is an old tale that if you wish to know the answer to a yes/no question, peel and eat and orange and then count the seeds. It is an even number of pits, the answer is no and if it an odd number the answer is yes. Orange essential oil can be used in bathing for spiritual and psychic cleansing and can be spritzed in a bedroom for enhanced sexual pleasure. It brings out joy and prosperity.
Parsley when bathed in or eaten before bedtime can bring about connection to inner guidance. Senses are heightened and awareness cleared when parsley is included in divination rituals. Having a calming and soothing effect on the psyche, parsley can be used to disengage anger in foes and ward off negative energies. It can be used in a spell to ward off pregnancy and bring on menstruation.
Being a strong aphrodisiac, patchouli can encourage lust and sexual drive and can be used in love potions and burned in aroma lamps during love making for a deeper more spiritual connection. Calming and regulating the nervous system, patchouli allows flow, and in ritual it allows flow of fortune to you and flow of negativity away from you. With patchouli, it all depends on your intention as to what flows where!
Pennyroyal is a peace herb and alleviates anger and distrust. Give a heart shaped paper or cloth to those quarreling and harmony will ensue. It is good for travel and can attract happy adventures and stamina on the journey. It can psychically help with spiritual journeys as well.
Black pepper is very warming and can bring a sense of comfort and ease to grief and upset. Sprinkle the essential oil (or even the pepper corns) around your chair or bed to protect against unwanted entities when doing spiritual work with the other side. Pepper brings a sense of circulation and fluidity to energy and can enhance and raise the frequency of a ceremony or gathering.
Because of it high antiseptic quality, pine has been used to ward off bugs – the germy kind as well as the astral kind. It cleanses and helps heal on an emotional level and uplifts the spirits. Pine helps with stagnation and can help in fertility issues.
The rose is an extraordinarily potent essential oil to use in love potions and rituals. Spritzed around the bedroom and on the bed promotes sexual harmony and openness, but too much can encourage lustfulness. Mixed in bath salts and bathed in will rejuvenate the heart chakra and invite in a joy and contentment, a love of self. Rose can also be used for prophetic dreams if the oil is sprinkled by the pillow and the intention of remembering the dreams is set.
This essential oil is part of the Labiate family, like mint basil and marjoram, and therefore has similar magical properties. But in its own right, rosemary has powerful cleansing abilities and burned before ceremony or meditation will keep away unwanted forces. It stimulates the 6th chakra and encourages psychic vision, intuition and sensitivity. Rubbed on the hands before healing will promote clarity of energy and strength of focus.
Sage has been used as smudge and burning the essential oil or the leaves will clear out all negativity and evil. It has powerful disinfecting properties and will kill germs both on the physical level and on the psychic level. In ceremony or ritual, state an intention to keep away all unwanted spirits and your area will be safe. Also it can be used to help guide spirits through the Light tunnel to the other side.
The oil of this wood has been used in many ancient cultures to enhance spiritual vision and support inner wisdom. Many mala beads are made from this wood and used to help focus and raise the vibration of the intention. It can be burned for protection in exorcisms and to keep out negativity. It keeps the vital energy flowing and can help manifest intention.
This ancient oil was prized in Egyptian ceremonies and temple rituals because of its high vibration and its ability to bring on a stupor like effect to open the higher senses and awaken psychic gifts. Burned in meditation, it can bring knowledge of the future and answers to unspoken questions. It is used in spells to reduce fear and bring courage through a sense of balance and groundedness.
To attract a new love, sprinkle the oil around the photograph of the desired one while stating your intention. Wearing the oil in a pouch around the heart will pull love in. It is used in purification rituals to cleanse areas and raise the vibration of the ceremony. It can also help in raising consciousness and bringing in new psychic powers.
This odiferous oil is noted for its sedative and sleep inducing qualities. Used in nighttime rituals for enhanced trance-like sleep or for deep dreamless states, this oil is wonderful for bringing on a soporific release. Its hypnotic stupor induced feeling reduce an active brain and therefore alleviate stress, fear, tension and upset.
Used for meditation rituals, this sublime oil promotes realaxtion and deep inner peace. It can help attract tranquility and a sense of inner connection. A sedative for the nervous system, vetiver essential oil can be spritzed when stress is present or burned to achieve a deeper level of inner sanctum. Placed around the pillow at bedtime ensures a restful sleep with prophetic dreams. It can be rubbed on money or used in money spells to increase the flow of cash to you.
This essential oil can assist in love potions and love spells by attracting a lover or opening the heart for self-love. Take a photo or an item from the desired one and place a drop of Y2 on it while casting a love spell or stating an intention for higher love to come. Y2 also encourages a sense of ebullience and joy, lifting the spirits and connecting the soul to a higher source. When connected, a peace and tranquility can ascend upon the inner being and new levels of psychic-ness can awaken.