Essential Oils and Astrology

Are there essential oils that resonate with the different astrological signs? I invite you to read and find out!
Molly Gauthier, who helped me with the astrology info, suggests that you read up on the recommended essential oils for your Moon sign and rising sign, as well as your Sun sign. If you don’t know your Moon and rising signs, you’ll find instructions here.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, represented by a ram’s horn. This cardinal sign is ruled by Mars and as such, those born in Aries are fiery and headstrong. Having the energy of being the first sign, Aries people are initiators. They will begin any project with enthusiasm and gusto, but somehow, even though their energy doesn’t fizzle out, Aries rarely finish the task. Rather, they become distracted and are off inventing something new or encouraging others to start exciting new ventures.
These first house rams are born leaders and take tasks as challenges, ready to ram headlong through any obstacles in their way. Co-workers or friends might find the Aries nature over-bearing and willful, competitive and aggressive, but these are the very qualities that if seen as positive, can initiate and achieve anything the Aries puts his mind to. Still, the Arien has to be careful not to plow over colleagues or friends in his efforts to create. Essential oils that can soften and calm the Martian’s assertive fire are chamomile, lavender, marjoram, rose, patchouli, celery seed, and peppermint.
In the old myths, Mars is the god of war and Ariens are born warriors. They love a good fight, and will vigorously battle with great spirit and courage, to bravely champion noble causes. They tend not to have any underhanded plans of attack, but rather are blunt and to the point in everything they do. Sometimes, however, the fighting spirit gets out of hand, to the point that Aries starts arguments and quarrels just to get that “rush” that comes with a good fight. Like any good warrior, Aries needs the wisdom to know when to lay down the sword. Oils to help Aries develop warrior wisdom are geranium, frankincense, cedarwood, clary sage, elemi, sandalwood, vetiver, neroli, and spikenard.
This is the sign of the “I AM” belief, and certainly rams believe that they are the center of their world. An Aries person is independent, self-motivating, self-actualizing, and driven by desire. It is a myth that Aries people are always bold and brash in nature. In reality, most Aries folks are shy at first. Only when a Ram gets to know you and trust you, will she more fully express her true warmth and enthusiasm.
A ram vents anger more readily than most signs, often unaware that those in their company have assumed the worst, that their relationship is now over. But it is just the Aries blowing off steam in their typical fiery intensity. The ram needs to be aware of his own explosive expression and let others know to move out of the line of fire. Essential oils that can open the Aries to better fellowship and altruism are angelica, benzoin, geranium, bergamot, jasmine, cedarwood, cypress, helichrysum, rosewood, sandalwood and patchouli.
Arians have a youthful air to them, enjoying sports and competitions. They enjoy speed and getting things done quickly. Penned up rams get cranky and irritable and thus Aries need exercise to support a healthy flow of the Martian energy. Rams have the strength and fortitude to thrive both in teamwork events and in individual activities. They are not afraid to be alone and will charge ahead without support from others. Essential oils that support health and strength of character are basil, black pepper, juniper, eucalyptus, tea tree, cardamom, geranium, lemon, grapefruit, peppermint, rosemary and sage.
Aries are very expressive when their passions are aroused. Being initiators and those who forge ahead, you will often find Aries in professions such as entrepreneurs, inventors, CEOs, athletes, pioneers – actually anything that they want to do as long as they can create in their original and individual ways. Essential oils that bring out creativity are rosemary, petitgrain, neroli, melissa, verbena, peppermint, basil, frankincense, orange, helichrysum, cinnamon, ylang ylang and carnation.
So, next time you need to kick start a project, brain storm, innovate or create, think of inviting an Aries onto your team. He might not be there for the completion of the work, but he sure will get you up and going by encouraging you and pushing you to do the best you can. The ram will drop his horns and obliterate any obstacles in the way.
With special thanks to Molly Cliborne’s Aries sun and her website for insight and help with these astrology articles.
The second house sign of the zodiac is Taurus, the Bull. Taurus is considered a fixed earth sign, ruled by Venus. Those born under a fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) find it very difficult to change. Earth (Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo) signs are grounded, practical and unchanging. Now add the energy of the Bull, characterized as stubborn, plodding and bull-headed. Poor Taureans, being both fixed and earth, they are the most unmovable, stuck signs in the zodiac, with a stubborn will and resistant nature. Luckily, being ruled by Venus, they also have a gentle, sensitive side; a real saving grace!
Taureans have a gift for beauty, thanks to their Venusian natures. They enjoy pleasure in all aspects of their life, whether it is fine wine, good food, art, music or a beautiful garden. They need a salubrious setting in order to feel at peace within themselves and with others and will take time and care to produce such an environment. Taureans seek harmony and sensuality and will enjoy both almost to excess. They are tactile people, loving delicious, tender, slow and affectionate touch. Essential oils that support their sensual natures are the aphrodisiacs – jasmine, neroli, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang, clary and black pepper.
But Taureans are not all sweetness and light. When in their bullish nature they can be negative, lazy, obstinate, resistant to change and willful. They are capable of concentrating their entire being on a single goal, and working persistently toward that purpose, to the exclusion of other’s reason or suggestions. They have unyielding determination, which makes them hard workers and practical, reliable colleagues, but also can make them appear obdurate and inflexible. Oils that can help the bull easy back from their intractable, headstrong ways are coriander, lemon, peppermint, pine, chamomile, helichrysum, marjoram, neroli, lavender and vetiver.
Taureans tend to carry much of their stress and tension in their shoulders and neck. They are prone to sore throats, earaches, headaches and stiff necks. They carry their emotions in this upper torso region, feeling that they have to shoulder responsibility, carry other people’s emotional loads, be burdened by the woes of the world, duck to avoid confrontation and do backbends for others. All these contortions, brought on by the need to please others, soothe over situations and take away other’s pain, put a load on the poor bull’s upper body. Oils that alleviate aching muscles and stiffness are eucalyptus, cajuput, ginger, juniper, lavender, lemon, black pepper, chamomile, rosemary and sage. These oils are also good for sore throats and upper respiratory conditions. Oils that aid in relieving the bull’s headaches are jasmine, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, rosemary, juniper, melissa, rose, clary sage and lemon.
Taureans, because of their practicality and solid outlook on the world, could find a career in anything that gives them a sense of material security and stability. These are not people to change professions often nor do they tire of what they set their minds to doing. They will seek out professions where the environment appears controlled, where there are no surprises and no hectic pace. Banking is a favorite Taurean profession and you will find many accountants, stockbrokers, investment bankers and even tax assessors wearing the bull’s horns. They enjoy nose to the grindstone activities in which plodding methodical work produces results. Though, having said that, there is also the Taurus that loves the beauty in life. Having a Venus influence, Taureans are happy in art, music (they love singing), and in creating beautiful gardens and food. But don’t ask them to try anything new. They prefer the established, tired and true ways, so they always know where they stand. They don’t seek challenges that take them out of their own secure space; rather they can appreciate being fenced in, safe and unfettered by chaos and commotion.
I love the story of Ferdinand, the bull, in the field smelling flowers. And I’m sure many a Taurus can identify with this bull, enjoying the sensual pleasures of the great outdoors with nothing better to do than to be quiet, grounded and at peace with the world.
Many thanks to Molly Cliborne and her North-node website for inspiration and guidance.
Gemini, in the third house of the zodiac, is represented by the Greek twins of mythology, Castor and Pollux. It is a mutable air sign with neutral polarity. Mutable signs speak to flexibility and going with the flow. Air signs are all about intelligence, mental faculty and communication. Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the quicksilver planet that links spirit to matter, soul to personality and represents the mind. So with all this flowing mental communication, you can imagine that Geminis are intelligent, talkative, quick learners, and information gatherers. They let their minds drive their activities, always probing, questioning and assimilating the answers to their many questions.
Geminis are talkers and are a great asset at parties. Although they are not as concerned with idle chatter as with stimulating insightful conversation, they will get a party going by attracting like minded people and engaging them in bright, quick witted debates. Thanks to Mercury, these Gems are clever and curious, ready to listen and learn as much as they are willing to talk. They have the ability to rationalize any topic to death, but can also tap into a deep imagination to embroider and embellish any subject as well. Essential oils that support a quick mind and help to focus thoughts are grapefruit, basil, bergamot, rosemary, cedarwood, cypress, litsea, ginger, and cinnamon.
Being represented as the twins, there is a dual aspect to Gemini: a yin/yang quality. This can give the Gemini a sense of being wishy-washy, changing their minds and moods at a whim. The mutable character of the sign allows this flow from one point of view to the polar opposite to happen without the Gem caring or even noticing. They can see both sides of an argument and argue each simultaneously. Having a dual nature, you are never sure which side of the twin is going to show up. Will it be the witty, versatile communicator or the scattered, flighty gossip… Essential oils that balance and center the twins are petitgrain, sandalwood, juniper, lavender, linden blossom, vetiver, myrrh and neroli.
Geminis are charming and disarming and they love to share themselves with friends. They enjoy social stimulation, but if they aren’t kept entertained, they soon become bored and fidgety. They follow a busy bee’s pattern – flitting here and there, collecting information and friends, then floating off to another place for more intellectual nectar. This can make them appear somewhat undependable, but the Gemini bee doesn’t care because he is in his own world of data gathering and out for himself. Because they are governed by their mind rather than their emotions, they can be self-serving, self-centered and yes, selfish at times. Fortunately, because they are so amiable, cordial and charismatic, you often don’t notice their failings. Twins are often expected by the outside world to be identical in everything they do. Likewise the Gemini is thought of as one being, but there are two separate natures wrapped up in one body causing the Gemini to often have internal conflicts (the two sides don’t always get along together). Essential oils that help connect the internal twins are rose, neroli, jasmine, sandalwood, ylang ylang, geranium, chamomile and melissa.
These Gems are the proverbial “Jack-of-all-trades”. Their dual natures support the desire to have two of everything. They can be found enjoying doubles tennis or any team sports. They love having their fingers in more than one pie and can even hold two jobs down with ease and grace. Often the Gemini resume reads like an encyclopedia of employment, in that they can’t seem to settle into one lifelong job commitment. The work they gravitate towards would have to stimulate them daily and change settings often. They would love a career that deals with languages, research, public speaking, publishing, media, writing, music, photography, teaching, counseling, even flying – anything that pushes them to learn more and communicate their findings. Geminis love modern technology and would be happy in a career devising new inventions, as well.
So, planning a get-together? Include a Gemini or two to make it stimulating and fun. But don’t be surprised if they take the spotlight and leave you, as the host/hostess, in left field. They love being center stage and the life of the party.
Many thanks to Molly Cliborne for her wisdom and help. See her informative website at
The sign of Cancer is the fourth in the zodiac lineup. It is ruled by the symbol of the crab and is a cardinal water sign of feminine polarity. The Moon rules Cancer and as such, Cancerians are in tune with the lunar tides, as well as their own internal rhythms. And being the fourth sign, Cancer rules the fourth house, which is all about the home. Cancerians are homebodies, loving a safe haven around them and retreating into that shell when threatened. The cardinal influence speaks to their expression of emotions. Of all the signs, Cancers are the first to laugh or cry and will usually emote exactly what they are feeling.
Loving home and family, Cancers are the nurturers of the zodiac. Their home is their shell and they take pride in its appearance. There isn’t really such a thing as typical in astrology, but if there were, a typical Cancerian home would be comfortable, with lots of pictures of family and friends around, many comfortable places to sit, and lots of food in the pantry. Surrounding themselves with cherished memorabilia, keepsakes from the past and hand-me-downs help the crabs to connect to their heritage and ancestry. Traditions are very important to them and they prize family history. They may, however, take this trait too far, forgetting to let go of the past and live in the present. The tenacity that is their greatest strength can also be their greatest weakness when applied in this way. Oils that help Cancer let go of the past are frankincense, cypress, rose, galbanum, honeysuckle and patchouli.
Luckily the Cancer crab has a good memory and a gift for story telling, so mealtime around a Cancer’s table can be one of anecdotes and reminiscences, keeping their personal folklore alive. Fun essential oils to burn around cocktail time or mealtime are rosemary, peppermint, melissa, lemon, basil, sandalwood and black pepper.
Being a water sign, Cancerians are not afraid to express emotions. Couple this with the Moon’s influence and you’ll find these little crabs are the most moody of the zodiac, feeling all the energetic influences around them. Just watch how they cycle along with the Moon, waxing and waning, new to full. They have the ability to innately follow where the Moon is, as it progresses through all the other signs, and they will react accordingly. If the Moon is in a challenging sign for the little crabs, they will feel moody and unsettled. In a compatible sign, the Cancerian will blossom and shine. The compatible and challenging signs are different for everyone. Keeping a Lunar mood calendar is a great thing for Cancers to do to figure out this monthly ebb and flow. Calendars that indicate the Moon’s sign each day are available in all shapes and sizes at most bookstores. All they need to do is jot down the emotion of the day: joyous, content, sad, frustrated, etc. Do this for a few months, and a pattern is likely to appear. Once it does, Cancer can use this knowledge to plan ahead. If you know you like to have a good cry when the Moon is in Pisces, for example, you can schedule the job interview for another day.
Cancers are intuitive, sympathetic, sentimental, kind and loving. But remember crabs have shells, so they can also be strong willed, defensive, tenacious and protective. Crabs can be exactly that – crabby. They like getting their way, and if they can’t do that through kindness and thoughtfulness, then they are not above resorting to manipulation and emotional blackmail. Failing that, the crab will often retreat into his shell and pout. Under threat Cancerians will want to run back to their homes, close the door and take refuge in their safe surroundings. Filling their house with serenity and peace is paramount for the shy and sensitive Cancer. Essential oils that bring a sense of tranquility to the environment are chamomile, melissa, sandalwood, geranium, ylang ylang, rose, vetiver, lavender and neroli.
Cancer is the astrological sign of mothering, and the mother’s influence on a Cancer native is extremely important— for better or for worse. Sometimes Cancer has a difficult time letting go of Mom and recreates her, or the image of her, in all kinds of relationships. Cancers are quick to develop dependencies on others, or act as a mother figure to many other people. This is why Cancers sometimes have a difficult time relating to more freewheeling types, symbolized by Aries or Sagittarius. Herbs to facilitate independence and healthy dependence are rose, geranium, sage, clary, neroli, helichrysum, jasmine and frankincense.
Like people, countries have astrological charts. It should come as no surprise that America is a Cancerian nation. Yes, Mom and apple pie, that’s us. Patriotism and defense of the nation shows in the crab flag-waving her claws.
Cancer rules the breasts and stomach. Often Cancerians suffer from stomachaches and digestive disorders. Essential oils that aid digestion are peppermint, bergamot, fennel, marjoram, rosemary, chamomile, lemon balm, thyme, anise and lemon. Being rules by their stomachs, Cancers gravitate towards good food and can often be found in the kitchen creating a culinary delight. Being a chef in a restaurant would be a good profession for a Cancer. They will also be found in any nurturing job, such as nursing, childcare, social work, teaching, midwifery, and psych-therapy. Loving home and property can be extended out into the community and many Cancers enjoy real estate and property management. Their enjoyment of history can find them jobs in genealogy, as a librarian, archeologist or historian. Whatever employment they settle on, the Cancer person wants to know he will be cared for in later life. Financial security becomes important to the older crab, and there can be a tendency to hoard income to secure comfort later on. Fear of the future can be eased with the essential oils of benzoin, clary, sage, marjoram, lavender, chamomile, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, melissa and cypress.
So, if you are invited into a Cancer’s home, know you’ll be in for a loving, nurturing, dreamy time. They will regale you with stories, feed you yummy things and make sure all you creature comforts are met. What could be better?!?
Thanks to Astrologer Molly Cliborne and her helpful website
Leo is fifth in the lineup of the zodiac and is a fixed fire sign of positive polarity. Leo’s symbol, aptly enough, is the lion and its motto is “I WILL”. Being a fixed sign, Leos are not easy to change. The fire aspect points to their passion and dedication to an ideal. Leos are ruled by the Sun- the center of our solar system, and as such, Leos believe they are the center of the zodiac world. The stereotypical Leo loves being in the limelight, making an impression and holding court. However, there are many non-sterotypical Leos who may feel alienated by this widely circulated description of their sign. So, even though many Leos parade about with the stereotypical gregariousness and conviviality, other Leos are quiet or even shy, allowing their self-awareness to breed self-consciousness. What unites Leos in their Leo-ness is, like the Sun, the desire to shine and be recognized as important. Every Leo needs to be in touch with their passions, with that creative generator, that inner Sun in the heart, that radiance. Leos want something to be proud of and they crave the feeling that comes with being praised, respected, and admired. Without it, a Leo’s confidence implodes, and he withers on the vine.
The Lion is the king of beasts. Leos like lions, are strong, fearless, have great stamina and fierce loyalty. They enjoy being treated as royalty and rule their kingdoms with a sense of fairness, companionability and a fun-loving spirit. They couldn’t be happier than holding court from an opulent throne, rich in colors of purples and gold, and surrounding themselves with an entourage of stimulating, idealistic people. The Leo king rewards his subjects richly and can be very generous, warm-hearted and even wonderfully romantic. There are many essential oils that would support a sense of regal presence and allow for openness in a stately manor. Some of these oils are the higher vibrationals such as rose, neroli, jasmine, frankincense, myrrh, Buddha wood, vetiver, carnation, sandalwood and true melissa.
The sign Leo has an affinity for children, and Leo adults have a unique ability (and vital need) to reclaim childhood and play. Like a pride of lions, the family structure is very important to the Leo; children are fiercely protected, rambunctiously played with and abundantly loved. There is a generosity of spirit that prevails, making Leos sought after by friends, colleagues and lovers. The Leo’s sense of honor is keen and their devotion to fair play and righteous behavior is paramount. They are not deceptive or under-handed in any way; rather these lions are up-front, centered and courageous in owning their beliefs and actions. A Leo’s charms extend to all and to bask in a Leo’s sunny glow is rich. Essential oils that encourage the Leo’s benevolence of character and boost the generosity of spirit are cypress, lavender, geranium, chamomile, cinnamon, frankincense, benzoin, and elemi.
In the body, Leo rules the heart, back and spine, so Leos have to take good care of their hearts and be careful not to overexert themselves. A weak or challenged back can also plague the poor lion. Oils that can help alleviate a sore back are eucalyptus, cajuput, tea tree, camphor, lavender, ginger, juniper, lemon, pepper, peppermint and rosemary. Heart tonics are garlic, hyssop, marjoram, cumin, melissa, rose, anise, and angelica.
If you have ever watched a kitty at play, then you know what Leo on the prowl is like. Intensely passionate when interested, in relationship Leo wants to love and be loved. Romantic and adoring, Leo will charm and amuse, and wow you with gifts and praise. Be sure to return the compliment, as sincere praise from the heart brings out their best and can easily reanimate a sulky Leo. Do Leos make good long-term partners? That depends in part on the individual. Are you with a lion or a cub? Lions are warm and generous, honest and honorable, loyal and willing to fight for you. Leo cubs are drama queens (even the males). They cast you as the co-star in their movie and hate it when you don’t follow the script, or even worse, upstage them. They stir up problems just to get that romantic “charge.” The cub enjoys the thrill of the hunt, but may move on to fresher prey as soon as it becomes available. Oils that can keep the lion’s fires burning are black pepper, clary sage, jasmine, neroli, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang and cinnamon.
In business, Leos are born leaders. They are an ambitious lot, with a marked determination to succeed. Their passion and self-assured confidence can appear to be bossy and vain to others, so they need to remember to listen to their workmates and sometimes share the limelight. Many Leos are in top management as department heads, CEOs and presidents of their companies. They likewise can be found in creative positions, public relations, and working as spokespersons. They are not afraid of risk, and therefore play the stock market, the slot machine or play with other people’s money in investments. They also like to play in the spotlight; so many a Leo will gravitate to the theatre. Teaching is also a profession where a lion can shine over her pride. Leos like things larger than life and can be creative and imaginative writers, often with a wicked sense of humor. Essential oils that enhance a Leo’s career capabilities are coriander, ginger, helichrysum, jasmine, melissa, black pepper, narcissus and frankincense.
So, if you are looking for a leader to pave the way, an organizer to sort you out, a loyal friend to confide in or a natural performer to make you laugh, a Leo will gladly accommodate you with an open heart and a sunny smile. Don’t be too afraid of the roar, sometimes it is only the roar of the crowd approving the Leo in his glory.
Thanks, as always, to Molly Cliborne and her wonderful website She is available for personal readings and insights into your soul.
Virgo, the virgin, rules the sixth house of health. It is an mutable earth sign of negative polarity and is affiliated with the planet Mercury. Virgos are grounded and practical in their earthiness but have the flexibility of their mutable quality to keep them from getting stuck. Still, Virgos can be considered sticky, in that they do enjoy having things a certain way and want it done to the Nth degree. The sixth house is about service as well as health and certainly Virgos are here to serve.
Virgos enjoy logic and love being practical and clever at all projects they undertake. They will fact-find with pleasure, research with delight and are geniuses with detail. They play with words and bandy about ideas with childlike enthusiasm and no task is too complicated for these pedantic questioners. In the workplace they are a great asset and can be relied on to get things done the right way, the first time. Essential oils that assist mental acuity are peppermint, rosemary, helichrysum, basil, black pepper, lemon and verbena. Virgos, when they overdo it on mental stimulation, can feel overwhelmed and fried, so essential oils that soothe an overzealous mind are lavender, marjoram, ylang ylang, angelica, chamomile, melissa and patchouli.
Virgos are noted for their neatness. Although there are such things as sloppy Virgos, they usually are few and far between. The average Virgo loves a tidy home, with immaculately organized drawers, canned food arranged in lines on the shelves, throw pillows thrown “just-so” and closets displaying color delineated clothing all on matching hangers. Reorganizing someone else’s clutter is a Virgo’s dream. They love helping others – they are truly a service oriented zodiac sign – and they love a job well done. Virgos have the tenacity to see a job to completion and usually with very little mishap, because they will have researched every angle of the task and scrutinized any pitfalls long before any possibility of demise. Downfall is not an easy word for the Virgo who relies on precision and logic rather than emotion or ego. Essential oils that can help to reduce the Virgo’s compulsive and over-focused need for organization are sandalwood, vetiver, patchouli, cedarwood, clary sage, lavender, neroli and melissa.
Mercury’s influence over Virgos enables them to be great communicators. They are quick thinkers, analytical, precise and succinct. They can seem to be a bit nit-picky or over-critical, but it is only because they are exacting with themselves and extend that to others. Like Mercury, Virgos are bundles of energy, with a tendency towards being nervous and fidgety. Essential oils that calm the over excitement are bergamot, lavender, chamomile, frankincense, rose, geranium, juniper and basil. This vast energy enables the Virgo to get a lot done. Their brain is on over-drive, striving for a perfectionism that is sometimes masked as discrimination, but always leading to the need to excel, to complete and make neat.
Virgos have great understanding and the desire to help mankind. As stated earlier, they are here to serve, and therefore are often found in the healthcare profession. Ruling the house of health, Virgos are very health conscious and are a storehouse of information about diet and exercise. They take good care of themselves, almost obsessively, leading towards a tendency of hypochondria. Essential oils that support health while lowering obsessive worry are marjoram, cardamom, ginger, lemon, grapefruit, petitgrain, valerian, thyme, hops and galbanum.
Virgos and work go hand-in-hand. In a typical workaholic way, Virgos can feel very uneasy if not delving into a project that is challenging, productive and motivating. Virgos are willing to work for their materialistic gains and since they love fine furnishings and a fully equipped gym, they are willing to work hard. They love playing an integral role in an efficient organization. And with Mercury as a guiding force, any job that includes words and communications is perfect for them. Virgos are found in the publishing field, in journalism, TV and radio, as authors, historians, calligraphers, computer buffs, and actors. Being health conscious they also gravitate towards professions as doctors, nurses, nutritionists, alternative medicine practitioners, dieticians and even dental hygienists. Virgos shine in the boardroom and are hard workers and valuable assets in companies that are geared towards research, money and detail.
So next time you want to reshuffle your pantry, clean out your closets, play scrabble, or go to the gym, find a friendly Virgo to help you. You’ll not only get the job done right and quickly, but also make their day.
With special thanks to Molly Cliborne for her help and insight. Her informative website is
Libra claims seventh house space in the zodiac ranks and is a cardinal air sign of positive polarity ruled by Venus. As we know from past articles, the general rule for air is that it brings a mental/communicative attitude to the sign. Cardinal signs are the most action-oriented and Venus, of course, is all about beauty and love. So with all this we can imagine Librans will have the gift of charm and diplomacy, with the desire to create harmony and beauty around them. Justice and accord are key objectives for people of this open-minded sign. The symbol for Libra is the scales. Here balance, equality, equanimity and objectiveness are in place for the Libra person whose motto “I balance”.
This is the sign of partnership and Librans are at their best when paired up, in twos, like the balance of the scales. Libra is the sign of consultants, and professionals who work on a one-on-one basis with others. They work hard at striking the right balance in relationship and enjoy the camaraderie of exchanging insights and bouncing ideas around. Essential oils that stimulate creativity and bring out new ideas are rosemary, ginger, peppermint, melissa, frankincense, eucalyptus, cardamom, basil and lemongrass.
Librans tend to see themselves through other people. If they are around negative people, they absorb a negative view of themselves, which is why it is very important for Librans to have good people around them whom they can trust. Other people are like mirrors to Librans, shaping their image and enabling them to see either the most positive or most negative aspects of self. Choosing an optimistic life partner is crucial to a Libran. Marriage is fundamental in their lives and they are happiest cohabitating in a peaceful and intimate home. Essential oils that fill a place with harmony and peace are chamomile, lavender, cypress, rose, sandalwood, jasmine, geranium, neroli and clary sage.
Librans avoid conflict, something they abhor. This makes them very popular with others, but can also make them seem fickle and wishy-washy, as it seems they will agree with someone’s point of view whether it is their belief or not. Balance and harmony are so important to Libra, in that he may try to find equilibrium in a situation by creating a “false” harmony that exists merely on the surface of things, rather than acknowledging and directly addressing the source of the imbalance. This is especially harmful in close personal relationships. Libra has a primal fear of being disliked. So instead of saying anything, Libra will say “I don’t mind,” letting the tension build, even when it’s obvious that something is wrong. He can be very passive aggressive. This construct leans towards the possibility of being a ‘yes’ person in order to avoid confrontation. Essential oils that support a stronger sense of self and individuation are vetiver, helichrysum, frankincense, rose wood, rosemary, black pepper, cedarwood, pine and melissa.
Being ruled by Venus, Librans have a natural love of beauty and pleasure. But rather than seeing the beauty in materialistic objects, Librans more appreciate the beauty in other people. Grace, refinement and charm are Venus’s gifts, and Librans make graceful hosts and hostesses, decorators, artists. The other side of Venus is laziness. Sometimes you will find a Libra who is sloppy as the day is long. It’s just two sides of the same coin. But whichever side they are on, Librans are always charming and adept at saying the perfect thing at the exact moment it needs to be said. They enjoy surrounding themselves with fine art, but they are much happier amidst fine people, say at the opera, theatre or at a sophisticated cocktail party where they can schmooze with the best of them. Essential oils that bring out the best in a party situation are frankincense, patchouli, ylang ylang, rosemary, peppermint, bergamot, eucalyptus and lemon.
The trick to understanding the depth of any astrological sign is to understand that every sign contains a shadow of its polar opposite. Libra’s shadow sign is Aries, the me-first sign, sign of competition and confrontation. Diplomacy is a strong characteristic of the Libran who loathes injustice, cruelty and unpleasantness. So much so, that some Librans ironically become unpleasant and cruel themselves in confronting a perceived cruelty or miscarriage of justice. The Aries shadow shows itself. However, if Libra embraces the shadow and realizes that she also has within her the gifts of Aries—courage and straightforwardness—she becomes a powerful force for truth and goodness in her world. Essential oils that promote courage are cardamom, frankincense, marjoram, elemi, cypress, cedarwood, orange and helichrysum.
Libra’s gift is the ability to create mutually beneficial situations in which each contributor also benefits in kind from the exchange. Librans strive for fairness in their assessment of a situation. They usually can see both sides of a predicament and can problem solve with both opposing sides feeling as if they have won. So if you need to find justice, harmony, fairness and diplomacy, call on a Libra for and you’ll get to see all sides of the equation.
With thanks to Molly Cliborne for her wonderful insights and for her website
Scorpio is all about death and rebirth, going deep within, awaiting the promise of regeneration. Just as in November we watch the leaves fall off the trees and see the plants and animals begin their hibernation with the promise of spring, so it is with Scorpios, who feel impelled to explore the darkest winter of the soul before redefining themselves and being reborn. Often, in order for Scorpios to get the impetus to transmute themselves into this new and stronger being, they will investigate hitting rock bottom and going to the pits of their existence in order to find the strength to pull out. Death, rebirth, regeneration and reinvention – as the earth does, so does the Scorpio person.
Scorpios are perceptive and intuitive and thus make good healers (once they have embarked on their own self-healing process). You will find them comfortable being psychotherapists, counselors, psychics, sex therapists, hands-on therapists and body workers of all kinds. Because of the Scorpio’s ability to insightfully see deep within their patient/client, they can encourage the patient to go into their own dark scary psychological and emotional places without fear. They extend a strong sense of support and trust to the client, offering them the light to see into their own personal underworld. Essential oils that can assist the journey into this dark and deep inner world are frankincense, patchouli, elemi, neroli, galbanum, myrrh, juniper, cypress, sandalwood, benzoin, cedarwood and vetiver. These oils not only help the client, but also are great friends to the Scorpio, who loves traveling to the underworld and back, thanks to their ruling planet of Pluto.
Scorpios have a strong will and usually get what they want; although having achieved it, usually find little interest in the continued pursuit of their most frequent obsession. Their determined mind supports a strong survival instinct and they know exactly what will please them in the moment. And often what pleases the Scorpionic nature is sex, another of Pluto’s gifts. Scorpios have a highly developed sense of sensuality and enjoy exploring sexual pleasure with all their senses, although the challenge for the Scorpio is to ground the experience rather than go into sexual overdrive. They need to find a way to accept their vulnerability and open their hearts rather than surrender to the purely physical eroticism of sex. Oils that support and ground sexual awareness and sensual pleasure are rose, neroli, jasmine, ylang ylang, geranium, chamomile, palmarosa, melissa, rosewood, patchouli, lavender and angelica, and thus resonate in the Scorpion frequency. Those born in Scorpio, being in a water sign, love baths in sensual salubrious settings. Adding essential oils to the bath water or to massage oils and body creams can bring a Scorpio into ecstatic realms of heart-felt pleasure. This is their playing ground and a candle lit bathroom, warm scented water, delicate music, delicious wine or chocolate and someone their to caress their body will melt any Scorpio’s heart.
On a rather negative note, Scorpions have a deadly tail that can sting. Scorpios can be possessive, jealous, obsessive, manipulative and controlling. They want their way and will often get it at any cost. Their defensive, destructive side can be annihilating to anyone who crosses them. Oils that can soften the scorpion’s vindictive and cruel nature are sandalwood, clary sage, lavender, cypress, vetiver, rose, geranium, helichrysum, marjoram and chamomile. Essential oils burned in an aroma lamp, spritzed in a spray bottle or added to the wax of a lit candle can change the atmosphere in a room where the Scorpio is venting and change the vibration of the angry climate. Then, after the anger, a Scorpio is prone to bouts of guilt, because in truth, they really regret their destructive streak. Using jasmine, rose, clary sage, nutmeg, juniper, lemon, pine and cypress can often alleviate feelings of guilt.
Scorpios can be intensely loyal friends. For that matter, anything a Scorpio does is intense – and passionate; both for the good and bad. Scorpios never forgets a great kindness done to them, but they also never forget an injury. Both they will repay ten-fold, for nothing is done without payback.
Scorpio rules the regenerative organs including the sexual, reproductive organs. Here Scorpios generate energy and center their passionate natures. Essential oils that support the reproductive organs are clary sage, geranium, melissa, fennel, chamomile, cypress, jasmine, rose and ginger. These oils, mixed with a carrier oil, can be rubbed in a clockwise direction over the belly and around the lower abdomen on a woman for menstrual and menopausal problems. They can be burned in an aroma lamp or used in a bath for the emotional and psycho-spiritual support that Scorpios also like.
Being so passionate, powerful and determined makes Scorpios intense friends. You never quite know what they are thinking until you asked them, and then you’ll get such a direct and honest answer that you may feel blown away. But whether they are loving you or hating you, they are doing it with their entire being. So avoid their stinging tails and know the journey you take with a Scorpio will be deep, dark and powerful.
Thanks to astrologer Molly Cliborne of for her help and expertise with this article.
Sagittarius, the "ninth house" sign of the zodiac, is symbolized as the Archer, in the guise of a Centaur. Centaurs are half man/half beast in mythology, which in literature, have always been seen as highly intelligent, highly regarded creatures. But Centaurs are also known to be hotheaded, unruly and impractical. So it is with Sagittarians. These intellectual, open-minded, outgoing people also have a dogmatic, tactless and fiery side to them, which is appropriate considering Sagittarius is "mutable fire": sign. The mutability gives them a need for freedom and independence, also intelligence. The fire lends them towards impulsiveness, impatience and extravagance.
Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarians have the ability to materialize what they think they are worthy of. They are a prime example of positive thinking manifesting the thought. Saggies get what they want because they are able to believe that they deserve it, and then create a reality in which to achieve the manifestation. If you are a Sag, and not receiving what you feel you merit, some oils that may help support self-worth and self-esteem are *sandalwood, rosewood, elemi, vetiver, ylang ylang, geranium, rose, cedarwood and jasmine*.
Also thanks to Jupiter’s influence Sagittarians are adventurous and love their freedom. Saggies enjoy exploring new places, maybe choosing careers as pilots or flight attendants in order to travel; or they might gravitate towards the diplomatic service to immerse themselves in foreign cultures and exotic surroundings. Even exploring archeological digs would fascinate a Sag - anything that has an element of risk taking in order to gain something would please the Sagittarian. Oils that encourage freedom and adventure are tea tree, eucalyptus, vetiver, geranium, thyme, hyssop, rose, clary sage, melissa, helichrysum and rosemary*.
If you are having a party, invite a Sagittarian and you will have someone fun-loving, charming, intelligent and enthusiastic to talk to. Many Saggies are natural comedians, often exaggerating stories in order to make them more entertaining. Many are teachers and philosophers who, when interested in a subject, will delve deeply into it and then share the knowledge with anyone willing to listen. They are great communicators, though can be over-zealous and dogmatic at times and often have been known to speak before thinking. Essential oils that bring out the best in a Sag at a party or in a classroom are *patchouli, peppermint, basil, juniper, frankincense, pine, rosemary, neroli, melissa, sage, grapefruit, clary sage, helichrysum and bergamot*.
Sagittarians respond to the outer world through action, in that they want to experience life, rather than read about it. Their broad-minded, eager natures help inspire others to get things started, which is why many Saggies are event planners, inspirational speakers and life coaches. They are also born “spin-doctors” and can create alternate realities to the truth, which makes them good politicians and sales people. They do not intentionally deceive, but will sometimes over-represent in order to sell an idea or a car…
Essential oils that encourage truthfulness and communication are frankincense, narcissus, geranium, grapefruit, basil, peppermint and rosemary.
Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs. When the energy is blocked or imbalanced, Saggies can experience pain in this area. Lower back ache, problems in the reproductive organs, leg pain, sciatica, and adrenal exhaustion can be some of the challenges that Sagittarians are susceptible to. Saggies are also prone to addictions and illness from poor judgment (like alcoholism). Because they are adventurous risk-takers and enjoy the ‘rush’ of a challenge, they can be prone to seeking out negative rushes (recreational drugs and gambling) as well as the positive healthy ones (sky-diving). Because of their innate confidence and impulsiveness, they have to be careful of rushing in too quickly and over-committing, as this could lead to hypertension and stress disorders. Oils that assist the addictive nature are *vetiver, helichrysum, basil, frankincense, juniper, clary sage, valerian and bergamot*. Essential oils that help Saggies with stress and tension are *chamomile, geranium, lavender, marjoram, melissa, neroli, sandalwood, frankincense, ylang ylang, jasmine, and valerian*.
Sagittarians love the freedom to do what they want, when they want to do it, choosing how they will execute their doings. They invite excess and exaggeration and enjoy challenging themselves both intellectually and physically. They are fun, optimistic and usually lucky. So when playing with a Sag, take things as they come. Without Saggies, life would be a dull place indeed!
Many thanks to Molly Cliborne for her help in capturing the Sagittarian nature. Molly is an astrologer here in Charlottesville. Visit her website for more information.
Capricorn is the 10th house sign in the astrological wheel. It is depicted as a goat, usually with a curling fish tail. The goat is a persistent climber, logical and methodical outside with deep feelings running through a sensitive inner landscape. They are soft inside but with a hard determined exterior shell. Being an earth sign, Capricorn has a special relationship with nature. Time spent outdoors in nature is never wasted time.
Capricorns work hard at everything they do. They are disciplined, serious, responsible, ambitious, rational and determined. Goats are motivated in both their careers and their social standing. They tend to be trustworthy and loyal because they understand innately the value of a good reputation. Caps want security and consistency, and will work diligently to attain a comfortable life style with a good income. Capricorns love to be in charge, and usually are quite good at it. They make steady business managers, company presidents, even millionaires because of their capacity to initiate solid business ideas. As a cardinal sign, their joy lies more in the building and climbing than in the day to day minutiae of business. If Cap feels stagnant in a job or business, she may need to change jobs, or sell the business and start another.
Capricorn’s planetary ruler is Saturn, the Lord of Time, the serious teacher who presents challenges and gives opportunity for introspection and concentration. Knowing that everything takes time, Capricorns work hard to build things that will last, or to release their karma in the evolutionary process.
Every sign in astrology has positive and negative expression. If Capricorn does not spend time and energy nurturing themselves and others, eventually they will burn out. Burnout that comes from over-work and over-dedication to a task can be eased with sandalwood, patchouli, vetiver, lavender, chamomile, melissa, marjoram, bergamot, lemon, petitgrain and/or jasmine. Essential oils to help one re-connect with one’s emotional needs are jasmine, peppermint, vetiver, elemi, rosemary, basil, melissa and helichrysum. Often one’s greatest talent is also the greatest liability. Capricorn is responsible and cautious, but can be too pessimistic, focusing on negative aspects of a situation to the point that she is blind to the opportunities available. This can bring about stagnation and depression. Oils to encourage belief in oneself and help one see beyond negativity are bergamot, clary, grapefruit, rosemary, chamomile and cypress.
Some Caps become so involved in their work that their social life revolves around the office and their colleagues; that is, if they take time to have a social life. This status seeking, corporate mentality can lead to greed and paranoia if Capricorns are not careful. Essential oils can help with these negative traits. Oils that assist the sense of aloneness that paranoia brings are neroli, frankincense, chamomile, rose, jasmine, melissa and lavender. Greed and aggression can be tempered by geranium, lavender, sandalwood, clary, cedarwood and vetiver.
The goat is a hard working, sure-footed climber. But the fish tail alludes to a connection to the water, symbolic of emotions. Always trying to move up in the world, these goats need to have an unshakable sense of self and faith in their own power. To support a healthy sense of self, Capricorn needs to honor her sensitivity and embrace the energy of the opposite sign, Cancer. Cancer is motherhood, the nurturing force that sustains life, the need to retreat into quiet relaxation to recharge the soul. Achievement satisfies Capricorn deeply, except when it is won at the expense of her own feelings— or those of others around her. Capricorns may like to imagine that they do not need others, but alas, whether or not they realize it, this is not the case. If they do not acknowledge their feelings, sooner or later these suppressed emotions will emerge most powerfully, perhaps as health issues. Best, then, to honor them before they become a problem. Essential oils that can help to bring them out of their internal emotional world over-laid by a hard shell are hyacinth, cedarwood, elemi, rose, geranium, rosewood, helichrysum, palmarosa and cypress.
Capricorn, like fine wine, gets better with time. Caps seem to age in reverse, as if they were born old and become younger as they mature. Goats tend to be late bloomers, not coming into their own power until later in life.
Saturn rules the bones, and Capricorns have to be careful of their joints, especially the knees. Knees often reflect fears of moving forward. With Saturn as a restrictive influence, and the goat’s inclination to keep climbing onward, these knees can be very vulnerable to strains, inflammation, osteo-arthritis and joint pain. Essential oils that help alleviate swelling and stiffness from the knee joints are eucalyptus, camphor, tea tree, cypress, ginger, lavender, rosemary, lemon, juniper and pine.
Going up the ladder of success is both a challenge and a joy to the Capricorn. There are both positive and negative aspects to being to that disciplined, persistent, pragmatic and responsible. But no matter what, you can’t change the will and desire that our little goats have to do that climb. All you can do is get out of the way so you don’t get trod over on their ascent!
Many thanks to astrologer Molly Cliborne for her wonderful website which is informative and user-friendly.
The Water Bearer symbolizes Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac. When you hear the phrase of marching to the beat of a different drummer, think Aquarius. Aquarians are ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, sudden (and often destructive) change and of disruption; and also by Saturn, the planet of responsibility, limitation and discipline. This combination gives Aquarians the independence and progressiveness to change, without getting caught up in the drama of the situation. Logic and intelligence prevails when objectivity and detachment are around. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, allowing persistence and a quick mind to characterize those born under this sign.
Aquarius rules the eleventh house of friends and institutions and indeed Aquarians seem to be friendly to everyone. Their affable, witty nature helps them to appear out going and social, enjoying groups and parties. They have a humanitarian spirit and a social conscience, favoring the under-dog and the oppressed. They make loyal and generous friends, although Aquarians rarely let people in on a deep or personal level. This detachment can make them appear aloof, but actually, Aquarians are shy and lacking in confidence, so hold people at bay with their quicksilver banter, wry opinions and astute observations. They divert intimacy with clever and original mental distractions, running from any relationship that would make them feel tied down or corralled. Freedom is too important to this independent Water Bearer. Essential oils can help with fear of intimacy and shyness. Oils that open up people with intimacy issues are rose, neroli, ylang ylang, benzoin, lavender and frankincense. Oils that inspire confidence are bergamot, cypress, helichrysum, lavender, rosemary, petitgrain, orange, rose, frankincense, clary sage and cedarwood.
Aquarians are visionaries. They are inventive and quick minded, and love spending time thinking about how to make the world a better place. Oils that assist in a visionary capacity are angelica, frankincense, elemi, galbanum, neroli, rose, jasmine, sandalwood, bergamot, chamomile, cypress, vetiver, cardamom, melissa, patchouli, palmarosa and spikenard. Creating the vision of a better world is a collaborative effort for the Aquarian. These progressive souls are quick to engage others in their process, seeing everyone as equal in the team. Aquarians soldier on relentlessly, following their own instincts in their own rhythm. They trust nothing that can’t be logically proven or objectively demonstrated. They are always moving a project forward, seeing some new and innovative way to reinvent the wheel. They sometimes can be stubborn and unswerving in their ideas of what should happen, and this hard-headedness can alienate friends who find their behavior tactless. Oils that soften the hard stubborn edges of personality are coriander, lemon, peppermint, rose, chamomile, marjoram, lavender, mandarin, ylang ylang, juniper and sage.
Aquarians make good scientists, researchers and inventors. They love anything that has to do with energy and could follow in trade as an electrician, or find themselves in TV or radio. New age Aquarians would be drawn to esoteric forms of energy and could easily be Reiki Masters, Feng Shui experts, acupuncturists or hands-on healers. Oils that support the healing practices are practically all of them, but in particular, the high vibrational absolutes like rose, jasmine, lavender, hyacinth, melissa, linden blossom, carnation, champaca, immortelle, lotus, violet leaf, neroli, vetiver, and myrrh, as well as ylang ylang, sandalwood, patchouli, frankincense, angelica, rosemary, elemi, and vanilla.
They say that the Age of Aquarius is upon us, where we all will feel the influence of this progressive, exciting, questing, and visionary energy stir within us. We will all be challenged to move forward in our personal evolution, rebelling against the old Piscean way of doing things. Humanitarianism will be a key word in our collective vocabulary, as we all strive to make this world a better place.
Bring it on, Aquarius!
With thanks to Molly Cliborne for her insight and wisdom in astrology. She is available for readings and consultations and can be reached through her website
Pisces is the last sign (12th house) of the zodiac symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Their path speaks to duality, the yin/yang of nature. Pisces is a mutable water sign. The water represents emotions, the mutability points to the ease of flow in life. Pisces have a great capacity to adapt to any situation, instinctively knowing what do in any given arena. Pisces live through their emotions. They will, more than not, refer to their surroundings by how they feel, how something effects them emotionally. They use the words “I sense”, “I feel”, “I have an intuitive knowing”, “I believe”. Pisces have two ruling planets – Neptune and Jupiter. And thanks to Neptune they are the most psychic sign of the zodiac, deeply spiritual and open to other’s emotions.
Being a dual sign, many Pisces can be accused of being wishy-washy, since in their polaric nature, they see both sides and deeply understand the reasons behind each. This swimming in both directions can also make them unreliable and seemingly confused with the world around them. They can seem vacillating and lackadaisical because they sense the possibility of many alternate realities and different levels of consciousness, so therefore they can’t “buy into” any one scheme or ideology. Pisces truly are multi-dimensional. As with all dual natures, this can be a gift and a curse. The gift, that they are intuitive, understanding and sensitive can be supported by essential oils such as sandalwood, frankincense, ylang ylang, vetiver, melissa, elemi, rose, neroli, angelica, jasmine, and clary sage. The curse, that they are spacey, disconnected, dreamy, and unrealistic can be grounded by essential oils like rosemary, peppermint, black pepper, bergamot, helichrysum, basil, and cedarwood.
Being the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces seem to be a combination of all the signs before them, which contributes to their multi-faceted natures. These fish are capable to seeing the big picture, usually in a visionary capacity. Many fish will keep their psychic abilities to themselves, if indeed they choose to acknowledge them. Pisces have an energetic matrix of being the martyr/victim, of understanding persecution, and therefore, in order to survive in the world, tend to keep these intuitive abilities hidden. How may Pisces “remember” being burned at the stake for their psychic abilities in past lives? Essential oils that help with the fear of being out in the world are clary sage, spikenard, frankincense, marjoram, melissa, sandalwood, ylang ylang, lavender, geranium and vetiver.
Pisces serve mankind in a quiet, understated way. They love supporting people in a selfless way, compassionately taking on the other person’s burdens or joys. These fish can make very nurturing healers and nurses. They have an inner need to help others, even to the extent of being self-sacrificing. This can be draining on a fish’s energetic reserve and they have to take care of their physical well-being. Reflexology is the perfect therapy for a Pisces, since their feet rule them astrologically. Essential oils that would be wonderful to use on Piscean feet are rose, lavender, chamomile, grapefruit, jasmine, all the oranges (neroli, petitgrain, sweet orange), sandalwood, lemon, geranium, juniper and palmarosa.
The Piscean person will tend to gravitate towards professions in the healing or artistic worlds. You often will find that your counselor or shrink is a Pisces, because she/he will instinctively understand what you are saying and feel what you are feeling. Pisces also make fantastic actors because they can, in their chameleon-type natures, become the character they are portraying. They love drama and have a gift for playing every kind of role in their day-to-day lives as well as on stage. Pisces are creative and original artists, painting unworldly designs with imaginative colors. Bold colors are fun to paint with but the Piscean nature loves to surround him/herself in soothing colors like turquoise, all the blues, soft pinks and light purples. These colors will energetically assist them in their spiritual work. Pisces love to escape into their own tranquil, peaceful, illusory world. They are happiest in fantasy, in a timeless place with no complications, no demands and no struggles. Meditation is essential for these fish, who need “down time” in a quiet reflective space. Oils that soothe and comfort the inner Piscean world are lavender, neroli, sandalwood, patchouli, ginger, elemi, frankincense, rose, angelica, ylang ylang, chamomile, immortelle, campaca, carnation, and hyacinth.
Pisces people are incredibly romantic, and generously showers gifts on their lover. They often will create a sensual setting for their lovemaking – an inner sanctum of safety where they can play out their fantasies and dreams. Candles, soft music, fluffy pillows, champagne, water sounds, silky sheets all belong in a Pisces reverie. So come into the fantasy world that a Pisces creates and enjoy the illusion as much as the little fish who is loving you.
With special thanks, as always, to astrologer Molly Cliborne, for her intuitive insight into the Piscean nature. Her informative website is